Thursday, August 26, 2010


     OK, I just received another e-mail containing a warning that something may be hazardous to my health, safety, and well being.
     This one talked about the plastic in my car emitting a hazardous chemical called Benzene. ‘This stuff causes cancer’, the e-mail said.  Oh my gosh, just what I need, another warning that something else is hazardous to my health.
     Watch out for asbestos, can’t drink coffee, my cell phone is going to fry my brain cells, chedderwurst is going to clog my arteries, and my Big B Burger is going to give me a heart attack.
     My TV and computer monitor emit dangerous rays, I’m going to pull a hammie playing WeII, and I’ll suffer from a severe case of carpel tunnel syndrome from texting.
     I can’t mow the lawn because the exhaust from my mower is going to destroy the ozone layer. Even grilling a burger on the barbeque poses a health risk.
     With all these hazardous elements, dangerous activities, and poisonous products, it’s a wonder any of us are still alive!
     It seems as if one person in 50,000 becomes ill or is hurt by some product, someone screams for an investigation, a recall and a warning label.
     Now there has to be warning labels on everything. My can of pop has a warning label on it. My car has dozens of warning labels. Like “Don’t stick you hand into a moving fan blade.”
     Even my pencil comes with a warning: “Pointed objects may be hazardous to children.” My wife’s blow dryer has a warning label that says: “Do not use in tub or shower.” My can of mixed nuts states: “Made in a facility that uses nut products.” (Go figure!)
     We used to have a label on our new recliner that read: “Do not remove under penalty of law.” Can they prosecute my dog for chewing it off?
     Oh, here’s a good one. The big red label on our new countertop oven says; “Warning, things in this oven may be HOT! I sure hope so…..
     One can only ask if there is anything in life that isn’t hazardous. The answer is NO! Life is hazardous to your health!
     However, we can minimize the risk and possible effects by following a few simple rules. First, by using a little common sense, we can determine what is good for us and what is not. We can figure out what is safe, and what may be harmful.  We are not stupid people. We just don’t use the faculties God has given us to the extend He intended.
     Second, we need to exercise moderation. We live in an era of excess, the bigger the better. The more, the merrier. Everything has to be supersized.
     Our diets stink. We can’t live on fast food or highly processed food all the time and in huge amounts, and expect not to be subject to the consequences.
     Thirdly, we need to read the Owner’s Manual. There’s a wealth of information contained in that Book we keep tucked away in a drawer or on a shelf.  If you want to know what’s safe and what’s not, what’s good for you and what’s not – READ the BOOK!
     The most common decal we print reads: ‘WARNING To Reduce The Possibility of Injury or Death - Read the Owners Manual before operating this equipment.’
     Maybe we need a decal for The Book … ‘ATTENTION – This Book Could Save Your Life!  Read it daily.’
     May you be safe and be blessed with health,
Pastor Eldon

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