Saturday, January 22, 2011


     At the expense of asking a seemingly rhetorical question - How many of you have a cell phone?  OK, good.  I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t talking to a technologically challenged group here.

     How many of you have a smart phone?  Those are so cool.  You can do just about anything of them.  Check weather, sports, surf the net, do e-mail, watch movies...  all on a cell phone.  Makes me think Chester Gould was on the cutting edge of technology.  Who’s Chester Gould?  The creator of Dick Tracy in 1931, and in the comic strip, introduced us to the 2-way wrist radio in 1946.  Can anyone tell me what he introduced in 1964?  The 2-way wrist TV!  This guy was definitely ahead of his time. 

     These things are great.  You can get a plan that suits any need and any budget.  My mom has one of those pay-as-you-go-phones.  Kind of like having a phone booth in your pocket.  But instead of filling it full of quarters, you buy minutes on a card.

     You can get plans from the national providers that range from just having a phone to talk on, to one that does everything.  Ellen and I have what they call the Nationwide plan with texting.  That way I can go to Kansas City and she can go to Denver and we can talk without getting hit with roaming charges.  When she was in Hawaii, we did a lot of texting – and waiting.  It didn’t cost extra, but the delay was something else.

     I used to have VZ-Navigator, the GPS program, till Ellen shut it off.  Now I don’t know where I am or where I’m going, or even how to get there.

     There’s a plan for every one.  Whether you just want to talk, or text, or get e-mails, movies and all the other bells and whistles.  Oh and you can get different ringtones too.  Bells, whistles, songs, donkeys braying…  just about anything.  In fact, I have a new setting on my phone… it’s called – 'Do not disturb'.  My wife hates it.

     With the cell phone technology of today, we can call or be called by anyone, at any time, just about any where.  That is unless of course you’re in a dead zone.  The only thing left is what to do when the phone rings.  Do we answer it?  Or do we just let it roll over to voice mail and deal with it later.  My wife has 78 missed calls - they're all from me!

     It’s really amazing.  We have the ability to call someone just about anywhere in the world and not only talk to them, but see them too.  Either by cell phone or by satellite phone, or via the internet.

     What’s even more amazing, is that it all came from God.  It's all modeled after God's calling plan.  God can call any one of us, at any time, no matter where we are.  The difference, is there’s no roaming charges, no dropped calls, and no confusing contracts to sign or card numbers to program in.

     Throughout the pages of the Bible we see where God called His people.  Folks like Moses, Noah, Jonah, Abraham and Sarah.  And an unlikely bloke named Saul, later named Paul.

     Here in today’s passage we hear Jesus call four of His disciples.  He was walking along the sea and when He saw them He called to them and said: 'Follow Me'. 

     Sometimes when God calls, there isn’t such a loud a ring tone as 'follow me', but the call is there none-the-less.  It may be that pang in our heart, a knowing thought that won’t go away, or something that someone said that we can't forget.  It could be our conscience speaking to us.  God uses a multitude of ring tones to help connect with us at every level.

     But unlike our calling plans, God's calling plan is more than just checking the weather, asking about lunch, or brokering the next big deal.  God's calling plan is about life.

     God's calling plan isn't just about planning for the next few days, or setting up a meeting next month or putting a schedule together for next year.  God's calling plan is for the long haul.  God's calling plan is for eternity.

     When God calls, He doesn't just call us for lunch, or to ask us to stop at the store for bread and milk or a six pack.  When God calls, He calls us to follow Him.   He calls us to a new way of life, a new way of living with one another.

     When God calls, we are called to turn from the ways of the world, from the ways of man, and to the way of life in Christ.  We are called into a community of believers where we are to love, encourage, and support, one another.  We are called to a new life of love, joy, grace, and freedom.

     When God calls, we are called to be set apart.  To set the example.  To help others hear and respond to the call.  We are called to be followers.  To be disciples of Christ.  To learn His will and ways and walk in His wisdom and power with humble submission and gratitude.  We are called to embrace the Living God.

     God's calling plan, is a plan for life.  God calls each of us.  He calls us in ways we know and asks us to follow Him in areas He has already prepared us for.  He has promised and provides everything we need to respond.  And, He has promised never to leave nor forsake us.

     God calls us each and every day.  Speaking to us.  Nudging us.  Prompting us.  He rings our bell.  Moves our hearts.  Touches our spirits with His.  Like the disciples along the sea, He calls us to follow Him.  He calls us into a loving relationship full of opportunities, and challenges, and blessings.  He calls us to be His children, living the fullness of life in Him - forever.

     The question is, how will you respond to His call?  Will it be just another 'missed call'?  Will you just let it roll over to voice mail?  Or, will you answer it?

     Will it be: 'I'm sorry, no one's here to take your call so leave a message', or will it be: 'here I am Lord, send me'?

     Your phone’s ringing - ya gonna answer it?

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